Interview: Jason Dunn from Lights Go Down!

Earlier this week, I got the opportunity to interview a guy who’s had a ton of experience all over the place – from being the lead singer for a popular Canadian Pop-Punk band, then going solo and releasing his own album, and now to a brand new band: Lights Go Down. Jason gave us his insight into how Pop-Punk is influenced, how he is able to collaborate with his band mates all across the country, and gave us a look into the making of LGD’s first EP (Available this summer). Here’s our interview with Jason, make sure to like the band on Facebook, and check out the link to their first concert – You won’t even have to leave your room!

1. So you’re starting up a new band, the first EP comes out this summer. Before we dive into that though, you’ve been doing solo stuff for the last couple of years, releasing an album and a few singles. Why the switch back to a band? 

I was born to play in a band. I tried the solo thing for a couple of years just so I could continue playing music. There’s something powerful about playing with friends. There’s a certain chemistry that doesn’t exist as a solo artist. Deep down I always knew I was going to play in a band again. I just wasn’t sure when.

 2. How did Lights Go Down get started? Whose idea was it, how did you guys find each other?
I created Lights Go Down while I was playing in my former band. Things were going downhill in that band, so I quietly starting planning for my next venture, which at the time I called Lights Go Down. I wrote & recorded a record, tracked it, but never released it. As the saying goes, “timing is everything”. The time wasn’t right for LGD to show up on the map. Now it is!

 3. You’ve got an EP coming out this summer. What influenced you in the making of it? Would you relate your work to other bands that are active right now?
I’ve always been a pop punk kid. Green Day & Blink 182 are the reason I started playing in bands. Our EP is called “We Kept It Alive” and it is influenced by those bands as well as some of my new favorite bands like Four Year Strong, Neck Deep and Set Your Goals.

 4. Your Facebook page says that your first show is “In my bedroom”. Should I be concerned? Furthermore, what are the benefits to having an internet show as the band’s debut show?
Ha. Yes, you should be concerned cuz I’m a cuddler!!!! haha.
In all seriousness though, we had talked about where we should do our first show as LGD. We have had so much support from so many people from so many different places. A couple weeks ago I learned of the website They do online concerts. Fans buy tickets and the money raised will help us continue to make our EP

 5. LGD is based out of New York, but you aren’t originally from there. What’s different about the band process in NY as opposed to other places?
We’re actually spread out all over the country. I am the only one that lives in NYC. Enrique (guitar) & Blake (bass) both live in Minnesota. Daniel (drums) lives in California. This is the only tricky part. It makes rehearsals a little tough but we meet up and jam till our hearts content. Bring some of that band chemistry back!!!

 6. Considering your history in a Christian Pop-Punk/Rock band, is LGD also a Christian-based band? 
My former band started out being a pop-punk band. As you progress, you change. We signed with a Christian record label, Christian management company and Christian booking agency. Eventually we only played for youth groups in churches. That was never my intent. In no way am I mad or disappointed in my past. I’m very happy with what we accomplished. I just know deep down in my heart that’s not what I was born to do. Lights Go Down is a pop-punk band that makes music for everybody, not just people of faith.

 7. What plans (If any) do you have for touring with the band?
We already have quite a few summer festivals booked. I would really like to sign on with a booking agency once our EP is recorded so we could jump on a fall tour. I’d love to tour with any band on Hopeless Records roster cuz I’m a fan of every band on that label!

 8. Back to the EP. What was the hardest part of making it, and what went the most smoothly?
I’m a perfectionist and so are the 2 producers Ryan & Nathan Hughes. We thought we had our EP written and ready to be recorded before Christmas. We took a couple weeks off to listen to the demos. Over Christmas none of us felt like the songs were right so we basically started all over again, rewriting melodies and lyrics. The songs are 100 times stronger now and we’re back on track now to start recording in April.

9. How would you define pop-punk? What qualifies a band to be in the genre?
Pop-punk isn’t just a genre. Pop-punk is a lifestyle. It literally defined my high school years. It’s made me the person I am today. I am so very thankful for the bands I grew up listening to. They helped give me a voice that otherwise would be ignored. I am so very proud to still pop-punk music.

10. Compared to a lot of people, your music career has been really eventful – I’m speaking in terms of moving bands, going solo, and now your latest accomplishment, Lights go Down – Do you consider it a good thing? More importantly, how do you think the changes have influenced you as an artist?
I’ve been playing music my whole life. I’ve played in many different bands, many different genres. In every single band I’ve played in, we lacked the most important thing – vision. If you don’t carry the same vision, you’re going to fall apart. That’s why I know without a doubt it’s taken 3+ years to get LGD off the ground running. The vision wasn’t completely in tact. Now I know that we are all on the same page, we carry the same dream and that reason alone we’re going to do great things as a band!

 We at the site want to thank Jason for finding the time to give us his thoughts, and for being the debut Interview for us! More to come soon!

Check out the links below to LGD’s Facebook page and StageIt – the site where they’re doing their first show.



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